Save a single mother’s home from foreclosure…

‘Rain Burroughs is probably the perfect neighbor; she and her daughter Summer, now 12, have lived in their house in Richmond for 8 years. Rain is an activist for peace, the environment (she works full-time at a locally owned natural food store), and a champion of social justice. I remember, at one event, Rain placing herself between two 6’ 2″ men whom were about to come to blows–just to keep the event, and the people, safe. Summer attends a local middle school, plays piano, and creates some of the most interesting art, and has a virally infectious grin that could wipe the grimace off the Robert E. Lee statue on Monument.

As much as Rain and Summer love their community, and as much as we love them, they may not be able to stay: their mortgage holder, the Virginia Housing and Development Association, is foreclosing on their home. To do this, they had to go to court to have her bankruptcy protection overturned, which they did without properly notifying her. Now, they are planning to auction Summer and Rain’s home THIS Thursday, unless paid $13,000.’

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